Easy-to-integrate Custom Solutions
Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS
Fraunhofer IWS is working on parts and components that can be easily integrated into existing production environments. Our research and development activities focus on designing solutions for or with our customers that quickly make the leap from lab to industrial application. Thus, in addition to industry-compatible one-stop solutions, our portfolio includes custom solutions that are particularly easy-to-integrate.
We combine research experience, the latest scientific findings, modern plant technology and processes with systems engineering and materials and process know-how, and are also building on existing basic technologies, products, processes, etc. We equally address special requirements not yet available on the market. We develop these solutions open-system so that they can be customized for the respective application and can be integrated into existing production chains. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about how we can work together with you to develop custom solutions for your production facilities.
Building on cutting-edge materials and laser technology