IMTS 2024Products & Services CNC machine tool KWS for symetrical rotative components

CNC machine tool KWS for symetrical rotative components

IMM Maschinenbau GmbH

CNC grinding- and polishing machine for rotationally symmetrical work pieces. CNC polishing machine for crank shaft and rotor polishing with SIEMENS 840D controller. Machine for belt grinding, polishing and finishing of extrusion screws, large crank shafts, moineau rotors (mud motors), stator cores. 11 interpolating CNC axes guarantee a perfect positioning of the endless abrasive belt to the work piece surface and allows the processing of complex work piece geometries.   

Quickly exchangeable contact wheel and slack belt attachments add to the flexibility of the KWS capability.

The benefits of polishing crankshafts using the KWS are minimized friction and therefore a higher engine efficiency. At the same time wear, tear and crankshaft torsion and load failure is minimized. Fast cycle times – a crank shaft with a length of 3,785 mm length can be polished within 1:10 h. This includes polishing of the main, crank pin and radius areas.   

The KWS is a completely enclosed cnc polishing machine with automatic sliding doors. The SIEMENS control panel is movable along the entire length of the machine. 

Further reading

KWS crank shaft polishing machine tool

KWS crank shaft polishing machine tool

KWS crank shaft polishing machine tool

KWS crank shaft polishing machine tool

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